Just some dummy who likes to make art and memes and post them online. Despite how I look with the logo and graphic design and stuff, I'm mainly on the internet just for fun so don't expect anything "professional" or brand-like from me.

Games | The games I have on Steam | Games made by Edmund McMillen | Flash Games |
Movies | Most childhood movies | Most of the animated stuff | |
Shows | Most Adult Swim shows | Pre-Movie Spongebob | |
Music | Dumb meme shiz | Most tracks from games I play | Some genuinely good songs outside of memes |
Books | Anything that will help me learn stuff | How to draw books | Those recipe books with all the food and everything |
Other | Graphic Design | Cooking/Baking | Internet stuff of old and new |
This is a small little gallery showcasing the art I like looking at whether the art is old or not. This will change overtime.More art on Newgrounds and Deviantart

Made this back in September of 2022 and didn’t really think about posting this because I didn’t really have the explanation for the influences, plus i had other stuff to do. Since we made it to the new year, I thought I might give myself time to start the year off with this. Anyways:TBOI and it’s fanbase: Yeah, been a fan of Isaac since I remembered the game’s existence back in 2018. Overtime I got into the game’s fanbase and got attached to certain artists there on a variety of platforms. In fact, they’re mainly how I got myself drawing a lot more. Admittedly haven’t been playing Isaac for months, mainly because the game got too big for my shitty computer to run. It’s also because I have other things in mind I want to look at. Yet, the game is still in my mind and I still want make fan art of it and see what the fanbase has to offer.Edmund McMillen: As I got myself into Isaac, I also started getting into the creator and his other works, even having all of his games on Steam as of now. I occasionally tend to look at Edmund’s old and new stuff every now and then.Adult Swim: I really like how unique Adult Swim tends to be as a network compared to others with all of its bumpers, promos and shows. The animated stuff especially are really eye catching as everything has its own look and style. Hell, even the really dumb stuff like 12 oz. Mouse, Mr. Pickles and Rick and Morty are somehow interesting to look at. I’ve been watching and looking at Adult Swim stuff since late 2019 and it all started with…Superjail!: The art and animation style of the show really spoke to with me when I first binge watched it. It’s really just said “screw it!” and just went over the top with the animation, not really caring about characters going off model while also throwing a lot of violence and trippy stuff. I also took a lot of influence from the creator’s other show, Ballmasterz 9009 which also gave off the same energy, but also being different from Superjail! with a more try-hard anime-eque art style and more story and character driven writing.YTPMVs: Now, this is a weird one. The thing with taking influence from YTPMVs mainly comes from the visuals. Often times or occasionally the people who make those tends to composition here and there, creating a lot of interesting visual elements even if it happens to be the typical cookie cutter stuff. YTPMVs have been something I’ve been looking at and listening to since 2014 and eventually became something I occasionally put/reference in artwork.Games I have on Steam: Not only did I take Influence from Edmund McMillen games there are also visual/writing elements in other that I also take influence from. Notable examples include the pixel artwork in OneShot, the backgrounds and animation in Henry Stickmin and the character designs and details in Touhou. I also take inspiration from gameplay elements in what I play.Artists on YouTube, Reddit, DeviantArt, and Discord: These are the platforms that I mainly follow artists/art related accounts in. There’s a lot of things from those artists that I tend to stick with me and that oftens changes how I draw certain things.Phil Lord and Christopher Miller: Kinda gotten into these two this past year especially knowing that they help make one of my childhood movies, “Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs”. I also watched some of their other great animated stuff like the Lego Movie and Spiderverse. Haven’t really been looking into these two recently, but from the few videos I watched about them, there is some interesting writing and directing elements I keep in mind. Looking at Lord and Miller’s stuff helped me give ideas on what to draw. I mean, there are no bad ideas… right?Memes/Old Internet Stuff: Yeah, the internet eventually influenced how I write/present things when it comes to art and memes. The old stuff is also really fun to look at. They really give off a 2000s era haha.Newgrounds: Started to look at Newgrounds a lot more after the whole Friday Night Funkin’ craze back in 2020-2021. Been looking at a lot of art and animation there since and even followed a lot of artists and animators just like with all the other platforms I’m in. That site eventually became my main for posting art since October and I have used it to also revisit old, childhood flash games and animation there. Speaking of…Eddsworld: Of all the web animations I’ve watched in the past, Eddsworld tends to be the one that tends to stick with me the most. It just tends to be a nice fun web series with a simple looking art style. I tend to revisted Edd’s old animation whenever my mind feels like it.Flash Games and Stuff: Since I’ve been revisting flash stuff on Newgrounds, they eventually started becoming part of drawing stuff like with every other influence I have. Like with the games on Steam, I borrow elements from the games’ art and animation style and gameplay.That’s it! Glad I was able make this meme and share it with everyone!